I don't entirely remember what was said in our toasts.... and for this I'm grateful for our pictures and video. Especially because at this point, my memory of the toasts is a jumble of laughter and tearing up, and jokes about fish and turtles. Memories are untrustworthy things...
Anyway, pictures of toast giving...
Dad is quite the talker... anyone who has spent 5 minutes with him could tell you that. And yet, he was clearly a bit nervous about his speech. I was once told that being nervous is a good thing. It shows you really care about what's going on. So, seeing Dad actually get nervous about giving a toast at our wedding. Well, it meant a lot to me seeing how much it meant to him, giving that speech. Even made me tear up just a tiny bit...
James and Kenneth have a bond that amazes me. They are just as much friends as they are brothers. Actually, I'd say best friends. So James was a very special part of our wedding, and his speech was undoubtedly a highlight of the day for Kenneth.
Look closely at Kenneth's eyes... I'm almost certain that was the only time that day that I thought he might just cry. He didn't, but he was about as close to teary-eyed as I've ever seen him. Or ever will, I imagine.
Unfortunately, all I remember is James talking about taking care of the turtle.
Lovely speech, James! Cheers all around! |
During the year or so prior to the wedding, Sara and I went from being sisters to being friends. It baffles both of us, but it's true. The day before the wedding, even Sara said, and I quote "I really love you. You've been there for me and you've become one of my best friends" (She will deny this if asked, because Sara "doesn't do emotions.") So having Sara give a speech at our wedding had more meaning than I imagined it would...
My friends Margarett, Taryn, and Carina spoke, too. We became inseparable in high school, and while we've certainly gone on very different paths since then, I still feel the most myself when I'm around them than with anyone else in the world.
Do you know why I'm laughing here? It's because Margarett is telling the fish joke. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll fill you in. Because nothing makes me laugh harder than a good, lame joke. It's the area where my dad's side of the family comes out the most in me.
Uncle Bill is not known for brevity, a fact I'm sure he is aware of because everyone on that side of the family is that way -- we talk even when no one is listening, and we tell the same stories over and over and over and... On top of that, as we age, it only gets worse. (Poor Kenneth! He can't wait until I'm 60!) So, with that, I admit I was a little nervous when Uncle Bill requested the microphone. Turns out, I shouldn't have been. Uncle Bill was was very kind, and the words he shared about marriage were perfect (if what I remember is correct...).

And finally, Spencer, Kenneth's best friend (after James) wrapped up our toasts. When you date someone, their family and their friends come as part of the package. Luckily, Kenneth's friends and family are terrific, including Spencer. Spencer has this quiet, friendly attitude that sets you at ease, and a great sense of humor. He pointed out how Kenneth and I have brought out the best in each other since we started dating, something I hope we continue to do throughout our marriage.