Right, so now, we get to the point of this whole shin-dig. We vow to love each other unconditionally for the rest of our lives, and get some new bling to remind ourselves of what we promised.
Love Lexi's face on this one.
I wish I knew what Nathan was smirking about...
Gratuitous cute baby shot. Because it's our blog, and we like babies. And I think this shot was taken around the time of our vows anyway.

One last blessing before we get to the vows and rings...

Oh, wow. We look love-sick and happy there, don't we? Well, if you're ever going to be sickeningly in love, it should be on your wedding day, right?

Ok, noooooow, is the part where James does his most important job during the ceremony. I was really nervous about how the rings would go down the aisle since we didn't have a ring bearer. I didn't want James to carry them in their boxes in his pocket, since that would be bulky and weird looking. I also didn't want them to be loose in his pocket-- too scary! We could lose them that way! So, I asked Kenneth to have a ribbon tied around them the night before. That way, if they dropped, there would be a long piece of ribbon attached to them and they'd be easier to find. This picture shows James untying the knots and letting the rings fall off the ribbons and into his hand. James was an awesome best man, putting up with my paranoia and all.

A little holy water to help bless the rings.
Funny tangent, because I have those sometimes: Usually, during Mass, I have to work really hard to keep my mind from wandering since I'm a visual person, and I don't follow things well when I hear it. I always use the Missal to follow along with the readings and songs. And I'm lucky if I can keep my mind focused on the homily for the whole 20 minutes. So, this, (and the fact that so many of our guests weren't Catholic) is why I insisted on those incredibly lengthy programs-- I wanted y'all to be able to follow along if you weren't good at following along without visual cues to work from (like me). Anyway, I did well at staying focused during the ceremony (thank goodness! Of all times to stay focused and in-the-moment during worship, that's a high priority one!) EXCEPT, I couldn't let it go when Fr. Dick blessed our rings, and told us about the precious gold metal symbolizing the value of our vows to each other. I was thinking "Wait! They're not gold! Go back and fix that part! The blessing of our rings should be accurate! It's important! Ahhhhhh!" My brain stalled there, and it took a moment or 2 to re-focus on what was going on and remember that this particular thing was far from important, and I should pay attention to what was actually going on. And now you know what goes on in Brianna's brain. It's a bit scary, but you're reading this still, so I guess I haven't entirely scared you away yet.

Looking at this again, I guess we didn't want to stop holding hands, once we were doing it again when my wedding band was on. Our fingers on my left/his right hand are still intertwined. :)
So, now we were married. With that, Kenneth has gained a wife who writes fairly incoherent blog posts at 1:00am on a Saturday morning, rarely vacuums, and never hears the dog whine to go out in the middle of the night. And I get a husband who wakes up with the dog in the middle of the night, and makes a great big breakfast while I sleep in every weekend. Sigh... I love his pancakes him.
Anyway, here's a shot of those rings we exchanged:

And now, I feel like I should apologize if you had M&Ms after this picture was taken. I didn't know they were put in the M&M bowl. But I don't actually feel THAT bad since I haven't heard any reports of people getting sick from the wedding because of it. That, and I LOVE that picture.
Enough rambling from me for one evening (morning). To bed with me... more pictures later this weekend, hopefully.
1 comment:
LOVE the shot w/ the rings!!! And the programs were very helpful. :)
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