Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wedding Pictures Part 22: Tosses

Kenneth and I weren't wild about the idea of doing bouquet/garter tosses. Most of Kenneth's friends are married at this point, so there would be a total of 3 men around for the garter toss, assuming they would all be willing to get on the dance floor... not to mention, I'm too much of a prude to have Kenneth rustling under my skirts in public--- especially when my parents and grandmother and Kenneth's grandparents were in the crowd. Then, since the bouquet toss would require a bouquet that I didn't have, that didn't make sense either. Plus, we just didn't think most of our friends would be into it. Solution: gift cards, and a co-ed crowd! I think one was for Jamba Juice and the other was for Amazon.com, and Mom tied ribbons around them to make them a little prettier.

And now, the most hilarious pictures from the day...

Sara's feet are planted firmly, ready to leap the moment the cards flew... Margarett has positioned her hands to push people out of the way... Alexis has taken prime real estate directly behind us...

 Notice my friend Nicole, who is soooo too cool for this. So cool, she's doing a hipster fingers-through-the-hair pose while everyone (ok, at least my sisters) are diving for the gift cards... hilarious! (She's doing it in the other photos too...)

Sara DIVING for the cards. Not surprising... at the last wedding Sara and I went to together, Sara actually stomped on my foot wearing those same stiletto heels during the bouquet toss. *Not joking.* We should all be thankful no blood was spilled this time.

I think Sara and James got them, but I'm not sure. Let me know if I have that wrong. 

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