Not to be a smug pregnant woman, but we really didn't care whether baby is a boy or a girl. We just want a healthy baby. Everything else is secondary. That said, we had a hunch that the baby was a boy. Since we we had those genetic tests done, they were easily able to see baby's gender. Baby Hanks is a boy!

What names have you picked out?
We're strongly leaning towards naming him Xavier, but we're still taking bids from anyone who would like to give him his middle name. Currently, the highest bid is from Kenneth's brother with $100 for Ezekiel. Other bids have been Ruprecht (at $50) and Manuel (at $0) ... get it, X-man? Any other ideas for Baby X's middle name?
yay! it's a boy! i can't believe you already know! woohoo! ok, is the name tom TOTALLY out? :)
It is kind of crazy that we already know. I hardly have my head wrapped around pregnancy, let alone the idea that there will be a baby at the end of this and a little boy at that. Surreal!
As for Tom... I wasn't entirely opposed to Tom, but Ken vetoed it. Doesn't Xavier Thomas sound good though?
Looking at family names on the Ellis you could go with Cornelus, George, Coffee, Benjamin, Peter, and of course Tuberville!!
What ever you name him at least he is healthy. As you said the most important thing.
I like Aunt Laurie's suggestion of Benjamin. Xavier Benjamin Hanks sounds very Presidental doesn't it?
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