High fives all around! We made it to full term! Whoo-hoo! And, now my doctor joked about how ironic it would be if I ended up having to be induced. (Note: With the roller-coaster ride that the last few months have been, while I see the irony of it all, the idea that I might have to be induced is not
that funny. We're ready for this baby to be
out!) In the end, it seems my body likes to contract and wanted to get a really early head start and go very slowly with getting ready for labor; slow but steady.
In other news...
Mom has been worried that I haven't been looking big enough to be at full term. I think I am now.
32 wks |
33 wks |
34 wks |
35 wks |
36 wks |
37 wks |
38 wks |
(Can you tell which of these pictures were taken while I was still on bed rest, and which were taken after I went back to work?)
Kenneth says that X now seems to think he's in a race. He's cozy in my belly and wants to stay there now, so he's trying to put on as much weight as possible before I go into labor. That way, he'll be too big to leave. (Apparently, X is not aware of C-sections.)
The shoe repair man, a trustworthy source with all things related to childbearing I'm sure, told me the other day that I was clearly having a boy, and I confirmed that was true. Then, today, he informed me that baby will arrive on Sunday, no later. We'll see if he's right...
P.S. If you haven't had a chance to yet, or we've neglected to send you the link, click
here to join the baby pool and compete for the glory of being more all-knowing than the rest of us (including the shoe repair man)!
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