Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2 years/6 months

Two years ago we walked into our wedding together. Life together since then has been busy and beautiful. And I love it, and I love him. (To my husband, high five for making it longer than most celebrity marriages!)


Also, for the last 24 weeks (or 6 months, but not officially yet), I've breastfed  my son. So many hours, so many of them frustrating at first. But I wanted to make it 6 weeks-- I'd been told it gets easier then, so that was my first goal. It didn't actually get easier until 9 weeks. But I stuck with it with 6 months as my next goal. We've nursed in planes, trains, and cars. In church and at work. It's been a lot of work. And still now that Xavier has teeth number 3, 4, and 5 coming in, there are hard moments again. But we made it to 6 months! *Cue patting myself on my back.*
Nursing at 12 days, when nursing took FOR-EV-ER.


Michelle & Luke said...

keep it up momma- isn't it the best!?!?

Laura Ellis said...

You are giving your son a wonderful gift you!!! You and Ken stay with it. Give X a kiss for me.

Aunt Laurie

Mom said...

So happy for you little family...love you all!

Lisa said...

Congrats on making it 6 months! Hannah doesn't have teeth yet, so that makes things pretty easy on us still. But I'm really nervous for when she does!

Brianna said...

@Michelle, It's not easy or perfect, and sometimes in the middle of the night I want to just hand him to Ken and have him feed him, but yeah, 80-90% of the time, I'd say it is the best. :)

@Aunt Laurie and mom, Thanks for the encouragement. Kisses for the baby were given. :)

@Lisa, Congrats to you too! Man, I didn't realize until we started how much work it is, so high five for getting there with our babies! The teething has been a little hard (there have been 10-15 chomps, I think just because it feels good to chew when his gums are swollen)-- but we're getting through it. Now that the #3 & #4 have cut through and are more out than in he's way gentler with the nursing (and sleeping better again too).