Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So are you excited?

With less than a week before the wedding, we're being asked that a lot. But what exactly are we excited about?
We're excited to be married, and to start that part of our lives. Mentally, over the last couple months, we've already started thinking of each other as "my husband" or "my wife" so we're excited that the wedding will make it official. 

We're excited that the wedding planning process will be over. We're both ready to have more time to spend with friends, and on our hobbies. We're also looking forward to having more time to spend together-- just spending a lazy Saturday afternoon together with no pressure to accomplish items on our wedding to-do list.

We're ready to have our disposable income back. We've been saving to afford the wedding, and we're looking forward to going to the movies again, being able to get our dog, buy plane tickets to visit family, or any other little things we've been putting off for the last year.
Mostly, after the excitement just in the act of the wedding itself and starting our marriage, we're excited for all the family and friends coming in to town (starting today!)  We are so excited to see everyone!

Monday, April 5, 2010


As I waited for my luggage to come around the conveyer belt at JFK airport a week and a half ago, I saw an email from both Kenneth and our wedding photographer come through on my iPhone. It's the moment I've been waiting weeks for-- our groomals were done!

We took these in order to get to know our photographers a bit, take the pressure to get PERFECT photos on our wedding day, and also get some pictures out of the way when we only have half an hour for our pictures around the church on the wedding day.

Here's a link to see them on our photographer's blog. We'll share more later.