Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A New Addition to Our Family

I'm eager to write some posts about the wedding, but I think it just won't be as fun without sharing some pictures, so instead, I'll share some other big news in our life: we got a puppy!

See, we found out in the fall that one of my Dad's dogs was pregnant. Dad's idea was that the dogs would be sold and be a nice little addition to our wedding fund. Turns out there are MANY purebred labrador retrievers in southern California, and so it's hard to sell even the sweetest pups. They didn't turn out to be much of an addition to the wedding fund, but it's ok. A little black one never sold, and after bonding with the family, seems no one wanted to get rid of her anyway. But 5 dogs are a lot to have no matter how big your backyard is, so the logical solution was to find someone in the family to take her.

Kenneth and I have been wanting a dog, but it was obviously a terrible idea to get one while we were planning a wedding. Knowing this, Dad offered us the little black puppy since she was the runt and is just barely apartment sized. We said we'd take the dog, with the understanding that the puppy would stay with him in California until we felt we were ready to take her in. Well, a few circumstances combined, and we decided to go ahead and have Dad fly her to Seattle this month. We're still not sure we were totally ready to take on having a dog this soon after the wedding...do you know how much like babies puppies are? Yeah, neither did we... but we love our new little addition to our family all the same.

Her name is Juniper, and she's a sweet little dog who is-- thank God-- very mellow for a lab.  Hope you get to meet her soon!


Unknown said...

YAY! Jack and Patty will tell you-Labs are AWESOME!

SO happy for you guys and I LOVE the name!

Patty Stephens said...

Heck Yes! Labs are beyond AMAZING!

She is a very good looking pup :)