Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wedding Pictures Part 8: A Little Help from some Cousins

Perhaps when you have a cold and you're stuck at home, you do reasonable things like sleep, drink lots of fluids, and maybe read or watch TV. I'm not good at that "taking care of yourself" thing, because after I get bored with sleeping, reading and TV, I started to vacuum, make a few phone calls, and work on our wedding album.  At one point, I actually tried to do some yoga, but I caught on to that being a bad idea fast, so that's when I started vacuuming... which also turned out to be a bad idea. Oops.

Anyhow, lessons learned.  So, while I was not resting like I should have tonight, I came across this photo:

Which brought to mind what happened just before.  When we arrived at the reception location, I wanted to touch up my lipstick before things really got started. I ducked into the restroom, and ran into my cousins Ashley and Patty. They offered to help me take care of other things while I was in there.  I feel pretty lucky having cousins willing to hold my wedding dress in a bathroom stall for me.  I was able to get by just fine on my own, but they hung around, just in case. I love them. Not just for what they were willing to do/did on my wedding day, but because that memory made me laugh a little on an otherwise miserable day. Yay for Patty and Ashley!


Unknown said...

Ha! I remember that =) Someone clearly didn't think about peeing when they decided women need to wear big gowns. Sheesh =)


Patty Stephens said...

I totally remember that moment. :)

your wedding was such a blast!

Michelle & Luke said...

ha- i re-read the last line like 5x. "on an otherwise miserable day" - before I realized that you mean being home SICK was miserable- not that your wedding day was miserable. hee hee :)

Mom said...

Yes...thank God for family. Also, love the photo!