Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dear Xavier,

I love you so very much. I love spending time with you and giggling with you. I love how even in pain, you'll give us a smile & laugh. However, your dad is a pretty great guy. So while a part of me finds it very sweet that you want your mama so much while you're dealing with this horrible cold... The other part of me is exhausted after 3 nights of more frequent wake ups & time spent comforting--- you have clearly been uncomfortable & possibly in pain. (Now we're thinking you have or have had a sore throat--poor baby). Anyway, dad does not have work in the morning and I do. I assure you dad is an excellent cuddle giver & he also wields pacifiers like a pro. Please consider utilizing your father's services the rest of the morning... What's left of it anyway..

Love you forever,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh! Motherhood! Hopefully he's feeling better poor little guy!!