Saturday, October 24, 2009


For a slight change of pace, Kenneth will be writing this entry. Early on in our wedding planning adventure I decided the most fun activities in wedding planning would be cake tasting and registering for gifts. Little did I know it would spark a debate that spanned several weeks.

Once upon a time, engaged couples walked into department stores, made a list of the things they would need for their new home and voila - months later they would be showered with amazingly matching dishes, towels and sheets. Of course, when Marshall Field's began offering this service in 1924* nobody could have imagined that you'd have access to everything that comes with a global communication tool.

*(I didn't actually know that. I got it on Wikipedia. Also, thanks Britannica for the classic picture)

Call me olde fashioned, but I figured registering for gifts would be just like that. Brianna and I would get in our brand new Model T and drive over to The Bon Marche - she's be wearing a lovely dress and I'd be wearing my best suit and fedora. We'd search for all the things that would complete our home and, using the Dewey Decimal System, they would catalog our wishlist.

Apparently, this "internet" allows people to register for items from any manner of stores. I don't just mean the "beyond" in Bed, Bath & Beyond. You can register for honeymoons, Dodger Tickets and even goats to be given to starving third-world communities. Needless to say, this was going to complicate things for our naive hero.

One thing we all know about Brianna is that she has a heart as generous as anybody any of us will likely know. It's one of the reasons I love her. She very much likes the idea of sharing our good fortune by having a charity or similar registry. For example, see this handsome young boy with the goat I found on Heifer International's website.

I, on the other hand, am a bit concerned about the aging fleet of cooking utensils we currently employ. Upon my insistence we registered at Macy's. Fortunately, Macy's is kind enough to donate a portion of purchases made off our registry to the American Cancer Society. Macy's didn't necessarily have everything for which we were looking, so we also registered at Target.

To be completely honest, we're still discussing either a honeymoon or some other new-fangled and hip registry. So if neither of those registry lists has something that fully encapsulates your affection for us, stay tuned.

"Uh, Kenneth, I dozed off there in the middle of that block of text. What did you say?"

Oh, sorry. Sometimes my typing gets away from me. For the Too Long, Didn't Read version:
  • The internet changed the world.
  • We've registered at Macy's and Target.
  • Everybody loves Brianna.
  • There may be a third registry option in the works.
  • I'm a tad long-winded (Does it count as winded if I'm typing?)

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