This picture is of the team of co-workers I did the Danskin with. Why did we call ourselves Team Kendy? One of our team-mates was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months out from the Tri. We snapped into gear to support our dearest team-mate who could no longer compete with us., We made dinners at one of those Dinners Ready places. We committed to using our training/work out time as prayer time-- to pray for her. And we made these AWESOME shirts. None of us actually raced in them (as had originally been planned), but we wanted to show our support for her. Now, the shirts are being made into a quilt for Kendy. We can't make the darn cancer go away, but we wanted to show Kendy that we cared.
So how did Kendy find out she had breast cancer in the first place? She started training for the tri and noticed she had some skin irritation going on after work-outs. If she hadn't been training, she wouldn't have found out as early as she did. (That God guy...He knows what he's doing sometimes.) Kendy says signing up for the Danskin saved her life.
She's been having chemo every other week since June, and that'll continue for a little while longer still. She also had surgery to remove the cancer. She's amazing though-- still works almost full time if not full time most weeks.
Another thing-- the event raises money and supports women who are going through or have survived cancer. Some of the waves were just for cancer survivors (they wore pink caps of course). There's really nothing so inspirational as having a cancer survivor kick your ass in a triathlon.
Kendy is planning to join us this year. Go Team Kendy 2010!
(Oh-- and this is another one of my "join me in a tri!" next year posts. Not only will it motivate you to stay on track with working out and getting serious about getting fit-- but it might just save your life)
1 comment:
Oh Shit - I missed it. I wanted to be one of the people you saw at the finish line. How did you do? Are you okay? Can you still walk. Im proud of you! love Aunt Karen
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