Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My "Bouquet": Part Two

So I mentioned I wouldn't be carrying a bouquet. Instead, I'll be carrying a few other things. Starting with this:

It came in a package from my grandma. The note says "Here's the wedding prayer book with love. My grandma (Emmy) gave it to me." She sent it along with some pictures of family-- including my great-grandmother (we all called her Grandmother) and her husband ("Grandpappy").  Grandmother was possibly one of the most incredible women ever born. She passed away when I was 12, and I feel so lucky that I got to know her.

Here's a peak into the book.

"To Joyce, (my grandma) with a heart full of love and best wishes on her wedding day and for an ideal married life from Grandma McKenney. June 17, 1950."

Grandma and Grandpa Johnston's marriage certificate! There's my great-uncle's (Uncle Bill's) signature on the left under witnesses and my grandparents' on the right on the certificate.

And one last thing tucked inside-- another, smaller picture of Grandmother and Grandpappy, and a prayer card with "Johnny, 1950" on the back. Johnny was Grandpa's nickname in the Navy.

Side note: Grandma described this as an old book on marriage. I think she said it was "Not very pretty. It needs to be cleaned up a bit." I don't think it needs to be touched at all. Beautiful as flowers are, I don't know that anything else could  be better. Except maybe the other things that will be with me when I walk down the aisle.


I'm going to be a Ropp! said...

What a neat idea!! Great way to honor people, I can't believe your wedding is coming up so quick! I bet you can't hardly wait!

Mom said...

I've never seen the book...what a wonderful and special thing to have and carry on your day.